!Subscribe to Donate!

HI, Everyone!
Kevin here, to ask you for something very important. I am going to ask you to subscribe.
This blog began due to some very bad situations and emergencies. Besides my chronic pain, there are situations and emergencies involving my Grandma’s deteriorating mental state, another involving the inability for me to get hired in this town (it’s been months, and the job market is flooded with lots of layoffs), and one involving Mom’s fight with Breast Cancer.

I am trying everything, including my ability to write satire, and make people laugh.
If you enjoy this site, please consider donating, visiting partners and sponsors, purchasing merchandise and by disabling your adblocker. In regards to donation: There is not only a one time donation, on the front page layout, but there is also a reoccurring subscription available – this post.
What will you get?
My thanks.
Knowing I can stay in my apartment without being kicked to the street.
Knowing Mom has access to this apartment as a refuge in case things get even worse with Grandma, or her own battle with cancer.
Knowing that my mom can pay her medical bills.
Knowing that we can try to get things situated with the family.
Making it possible for things not to get even worse.
And if you like, I’ll mention you or your business in a piece, immortalizing you in Grade-A, High Brow, Top Class comedy. Or I can keep you anonymous. If you want merchandise, then please check out the merchandise links on this site!
Thank you,
Kevin Conner
PS: In addition to searching for agents and publishers, I’m always looking for paying gigs! I’m an editor and writer! Just let me know!