Cancer Update 5-2-19

HI GUYS! Thought I’d give a cancer update, since that is the primary reason I put this site up.
As you can see I dropped off on updates the past week to once every 2-3 days. I am very sorry, updating this site requires more effort than I can typically do when my days are busy driving mom around or working and what not.
I will try to come up with some good stories in the next few days, before I am scheduled for full time work to cover for a vacationing employee.
Having said that, here’s the update:
Mom is going to be going through a year and a half of treatment. I don’t have my notes on the drugs with me, but cancer survivors and nurses and doctors should recognize this: TCH.
The T and C drugs will be once every 3 weeks for 18 weeks.
H will be for the year and a half.
In addition mom will be put on that drug that bolsters her immune system.
All of this starts on Monday, May 6th.
She has payment plans set up but $6,000 is still a hefty bill.
Thank you for visiting my site! I see 170 comments are built up that I need to moderate. I promise to get to them real soon. Most are spam, so I delete them. Some are from spam accounts but are actual people sending legit messages so I let them through, I just delete the web links. Keep that in mind, guys, I will delete 99% of all web links.
Anyway, have a good day 😀