Dan Slott’s Hero Squad Funnies

OK, so, this may be ridiculous in fact, I know it is ridiculous, but that is why I love it.
Here are some of his awesome tweets. I am embedding his first tweet, in addition to a screen shot of it. I asked him permission to share them. He said Go Ahead 😀 If he asks me to remove them I will remove.

Stupid stuff I’ve found on my hard drive:
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) March 9, 2019
Years ago, https://t.co/GZrANoUwhl had a “Make Your Own Comics” app for Super Hero Squad, and I used it to make these two gags…
And here are his funnies

Wolverine: Who’s There?
Hulk: HULK!
Wolverine: Hulk who?

Iron Man: I dunno, Hulk. Why?

Silver Surfer: Nah. Not since he started his “Sea World Diet.”
Iron Man: “Sea World Diet?”
Silver Surfer: Yeah, when he sees a world, he eats it.
Iron Man: D’oh!
I just loved these.
Now, obviously I don’t own the rights to any Marvel characters, I just had to ask Dan if I could share what he posted, and he said go ahead, so special thanks to @DanSlott for sharing these, and allowing me to reshare on my “news” site 🙂 I appreciate it. Obviously I will remove these if there is a request and I need to take them down no questions or complaints (although I may be sad). I sure hope there isn’t, because I just think they are awesome!