Murderer, Corn Nemec, has been discovered in the Brussels Southwest by Native Navajo Tribes (who know him as ‘Maize’). Braving the great Pacific Hurricane, Mr. President El Catso is on site and reporting, where this photo was taken by the completely peace loving rabid internet fandom!

“Corky has long been hated by fans of Stargate series: Stargate Goa’uld Command, when he infamously murdered Doctor Danny Jackman in season 5’s nuclear explosion! Unplanned. unwanted, Producers kept shot and said, “Slice of Life” to justify

keep both the cameras shooting, and also they disables the nuclear safeguards protecting both Corn on the Cob and Danny.
Completely selfish, Corky Corn On the Cob pushed Danny aside to escape explosion. It was heartbreaking to watch, but satisfying when Corn was tried and convicted by glorious fandom. Danny soon recovered from mortality, on many many times of death, but good conviction has yet to be appealed!
Corky came to my glorious cardboard country of Catsylvania to escape brutal rat race, where he agreed to read every single one of my tweets! When I discovered him hiding in closet with phone turned off, I kicked him out! ‘BAD CORKY,’ I said, ‘BAD!’ Now that I have him just where I want him, as soon as great Pacific hurricane leaves glorious country! #miau”
We’ll keep you apprised of more developments as they arise. Special thanks to On Site Reporter Mr. President El Catso (twitter: @CatsoNemec) for his glorious leadership and factual reporting, and to Corky Sherwood (twitter: @imcorinnemec) for murdering the villainous Mr. Danny Jackman (twitter: @MichaelShanks)!
(Top Two Images Courtesy The Great Feline President)
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Tweetable Update for the Shares:
#Fugitive Corin Nemec FOUND! #Murderer on the run discovered by a tribe of Navajo in the great Brussels Southwest! Murder victim, Daniel Jackson, has this to say: “My name isn’t Daniel Jackson! It was just a show!! Besides I now go by Hunny Bear.”